Saturday, February 6, 2016


I have had a couple of tough days, many meetings and stuff. However I have at the same time had a lot of thought about entrepreneurship and the difficulties involved. I mean there are so many questions, so many uncertainties, so many dependencies and in it all you are all alone.

...or are you? I mean yes in many ways it certainly feels like that, but really you aren't or at least you don't have to be. I've been listening through many of venture cups pod-casts and first of all it is super inspiring. But secondly I realize how many people which did succeed had much worse prerequisites than I do. I know so much about a huge number of (development related) industries, I have already started companies and I do know pretty well how the steps look.

So that is something for sure, I stopped to ask myself what it is that I am really afraid of, the obvious answer is that there is no money, for a long time money would be tight, but again does it have to? I mean I am already doing this in many ways. I can't really see how I can get from the point where I am today to the point where I put the key in the lock and for the first time enter my new business. But there are multiple questions popping up right now. Do I need to vision that right now? Do I need to understand that? Can I still get there even if I don't know it today? and so on, and so on. (to quote my old Amiga which in itself would be the reason I fell in love with programming).

Anyhow, let's get back to that point about being alone and elaborate briefly. I feel alone in many ways, I do have the understanding and support from my wife so I am already not alone. She knows better than anyone the idea and still said: yeah, this would be cool!

So I will wrap this now as I have to put the kid to bed and I don't want to leave it unpublished. It all boils down to getting a mentor. That is what I want. Someone who understand business (even better than me). That I can talk to about the details.

Another thing that hit me is that listening to the venture cup pod-casts and the interviews with entrepreneurs I felt: "I want to get there, I want to be the person I listen to". I realized that nothing is really stopping me, I can act like it is so, delve into my idea and my business to be and just let it happen. If it turns successful and the wheels are turning then fine, if not well I haven't really lost anything at this point. So I am compiling a list of things I would do to further myself in that direction. Among the points on the list you will find: "Get a mentor", "talk to someone which has walked the path before me" and other thing. Now the kid is waiting, so talk more later! Share, and follow, talk to me!

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