Thursday, February 25, 2016

Starta företag dagen

Sorry to those of you not fluent enough in Swedish to understand today's heading. To make it easy I'll do my best to translate: "starting business day".

Ok maybe I could have done better but there you go. So why am I throwing it out there? Well because I attended it yesterday. The day before I were at the dentist -_-.

More or less all instances which help out when companies start in Sweden had a representant there talking about the basics or bare essentials. Much of it were repetition for me but it really were quite rewarding! I met some interesting people and I also had the chance to talk to some of the representatives from the authorities.

I had really one thing I wanted to take with me and that was to leave feeling motivated and having some new ideas of steps to take. (ok you all know it they never expect the Spanish inquisition!) And I did, I really did. I hadn't thought about it but some of the helping organizations represented and I feel that I have a much clearer view of what I want to do now. Which basically is that I want to participate in Ventrue Cup, I want to get guidance and go to seminars and meet people. And I want to get a mentor from Almi.

All really traditional stuff. But really there is help to get I can't talk for other countries but here we do have a lot of help to make use of, and for me I am self conscious and I feel super afraid to talk to all these powerful people getting feedback on my ideas and so on. I am really scared that they will say that it's not good or that I am way off in my thoughts, calculations and so on.

So I am working on and my businessplan and I am focusing on getting my elevator-pitch in shape so that I can proudly say: "This is what I am doing!" with confidence. It might seem silly but I find this super difficult, not because I don't believe in the idea, but because I am insecure in myself (not my ability but in my person). I have a lot to work on in this department, because I know that I have some really fantastic ideas and I don't want to waste it on being insecure.

So I am currently trying it out, I am telling people my idea and trying to lay the self consciousness aside and I have only been met by ovations, so soon I will be ready to talk to those scary people about it with confidence as well.

In the end if there is one thing I've learned in my life it is that mostly you'll only regret not doing things and to become something you really need to see yourself in that position to be able to get there. (and ruthless efficiency!). So, fake it until you make it.

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