Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Producing garbage pt.2

I feel that I kind of missed the mark a bit yesterday, I set out talking about how to produce garbage. Focusing on how to do it, what to keep and some notions about level of garbage. I then got to the whole being a stickler aspect in this context. Somewhere around there I lost my train of thought and went in a tangent which more resembles failure and how to cope with it. Today I am going to try to keep more to the point, namely creating garbage.

So, I mean to present some garbage, and I want to warn you again even if I did in the beginning just to be safe, some people might consider this post to be a spoiler!

So I am no artist, if I give it time I can however produce ok things and with practice I could probably become somewhat good at it. But I don't have that natural gift as some seem to have. I am however trying to produce what i need, and what do I need? garbage!

I need garbage in order to visualize thoughts, I wish that it would be beautiful but it really isn't but I am trying to just say: "ok that'll do, it show what I want to make" and move on. As I mentioned being a stickler this is super hard and I guess writing about it is also a way to practice doing so. And i will therefore include a couple of images I've made which are most definitely ugly, I even try and intend for it to be just to make sure I let it be good enough.

So let's go through them.

sketch of corptown

First out is the earliest of the sketches I made for the starting point in my current project. It really isn't much detail but it was a way for me to visualize what I wanted to create. From the garbage I were able to focus some of the main points I want the design to have in a final stage. Mainly the central point which is the important place designed to sustain where the rest of civilization would not. Secondly I have the transport and the focus on it being steam powered. Finally I've pointed out the link between the "fancy" town and lower quarters as a point of interest. From this I can really start to visualize what I actually want it to be. I've identified some key elements which really are the product of this drawing. So this garbage really serve as the construct for all the design to come of the whole city and the surroundings. Quite important garbage indeed!

3D-sketch of corptown
 Next up was this 3D-sketch of how the town could be constructed, and it's not much to it. I wanted to get a feel for how the dimensions would work in 3D. I don't get much help from this really but it gives a feel, and it might well be used in white-boxing or prototyping later on.

alternate sketch of corptown
I actually found this sketch which were the "real" first sketch and the second grew form it, I felt like I couldn't really just take Final Fantasy 7's Midgar and rework that I guess. :P

sketch of planet
Also a small sketch of how the planet is layed out. This would of course make more sense in context, but basically it's the town in relationship to the rest.

I wanted to show that even bad reference art is super useful, I also wanted to include it here as some means of therapy. :P

Thanks for reading and spreading!

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