Wednesday, January 6, 2016


...or "awesome games done quick" is an event currently running. Basically it's loads of talented speed-runners playing games and my sister in law used to date one of the participants so I know him somewhat so I usually try to watch speed-runners when he is playing.

This time he did a 4-way batman run, where he is actually keeping the world record. I loved how intense it was and *SPOILER ALERT*
In the end it was 1 second that differed!

I guess I was just excited enough to make today's update about it. It's something I recommend looking into if you are not familiar. Good place to start would be Games done quick.

I also had the day off today and I have mostly spent the day with my wife and kids but also did some work on my upcoming website related to all of what I am doing. However it's still some time before I have something to show I feel that I will try to spend some writing time describing what I am doing with it soon enough.

There is a lot of things I want to start talking about related to my goals and visions and hopefully I'll be ready to talk more about it all soon, but my goal is to at least have some updates here, at least daily which means you'll never know what topic will come next, bit it will most likely be game, development or business related.

About that hat... It's sort of done, however somewhat less physical then intended and more digital. (at this point in time it's an Excell sheet, but I will make it a bit more fun as soon as possible and allow for anonymous contribution to it!)

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