Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year

It's the first day of 2016 and in a way it makes me feel hopeful and quite excited. I am planning for for the year and I have spent a lot of energy late 2015 thinking and trying to get in some way emotionally ready to go forward.

I guess it's all about dreams in a way and the balance of dream and reality. On the one hand I am working full-time to support my family and along with that goes things like cleaning the house, cooking and playing with my two children. That would go under the reality-tag. On the other hand I want to make real these dreams I have of my own company where I would work with the company and game-design and I want to get there. Maybe not this year and the time I can put in is quite limited. However I am starting this year with planning and even doing so I have the four-year old next to me meaning I have to filter impressions. So I guess the point I want to make is that the only way to really keep the dream alive is to keep realistic is to realize that it will take a lot of time and perhaps I will not really be able to invest in the dreams for years. But that I can still do many things such as business planning, game design, campaign work and social media coverage and most importantly keep dreaming!

Really it might seem trivial in a way but if I am making any promise for the new year it is to every day give time to the project in one way or another, and my goal is to write something in the blog every day. That of course mean that I might be writing short uninteresting updates at times mainly saying "nothing new" but I believe that continuity is key. I have either written or thought about this before, but here goes. If I work with something I get "in the zone" when there I am efficient. Going away for dunno but 30-60 minutes every couple of hours or so does me and my zone-ness good. being away more then an hour or so starts draining the creativity and inspiration, being away for a day is a complete reset and I need to start over from zero taking hours to get back in the zone. being gone for multiple days actually mean that I might need a day or so before I feel back in the loop and being gone for a week or more probably mean that I wont really ever get back but rather I have a full restart. A full restart here basically means that I can still do it and I get back in a matter of speaking but it wont be easy.

There are different reasons for this, one of it is that if I for example is writing a story I really need to read all of it, perhaps even multiple times before feeling that I have the same state of mind and the same understanding of it. Another reason is pure emotional, I mean I have to feel the same way as I did when working on it. I have fuzzily described it as the need to get into the world I am creating before. And I actually think that it's a pretty good way of describing it as in the essence that really is what it is all about.

I think that is one of the main points when creating worlds and realities as in game development, to have an understanding and the right feeling and it's something which is difficult to provide for your staff. I mean if I am working with a registry I don't really need to feel the data, I don't need to be able to go into and live in the data. For games I believe that it is much more important in order to create the correct thing.

And even now this short post has taken me more then one hour to write! For real, I have the four year next to me making comments on things which takes micro moments away and as I can't get into the zone I have to start over every couple of seconds. However don't misunderstand, I don't mind it and I choose to take this hour or so to write here because I still think that to get one hour a day keep the continuity better than "waiting for the right moment" to put in some time. The moment wont come for years, and I am ready now!

So cheers and hopefully I am going to create some hype in 2016!

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