Saturday, January 9, 2016


That's it!

Nah not completely but almost, I just wanted to say that I have the initial website ready to launch in a way.. or I have somewhere to do so at least. I wanted to talk about some things but the lateness of the hour (and might I add the tidyness of our home which have been today's foremost activity), means that I wont write much this evening.

but I will give you something to be looking forward to, the long awaited hat will make an appearance, I will talk a bit about inkscape and how it helps me a bunch and why it is great. And also a bit about forms of companies and my views on it. However that will hopefully find it's way in tomorrow when I hopefully (again!) have more quality time to "think out loud".

So, for now here's a teh hat!

I might not be ready to show it in action tomorrow but I will try to write a bit about it tomorrow, and by god it feels like I am hyping this poor teh hat to levels where it wont be able to deliver. ;) But I have loads of cool ideas for it ready to start already but to be used for a long time ahead.

Thanks for your interest contact, shares and comments help a lot with my motivation, might I even say my high motivation!

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