Sunday, January 31, 2016

Getting focused

When I write here I generally (but not always) have an idea of what I want to write about. From that I put a heading which become some kind of vision or what to call it. However sometimes it does miss the mark and sometimes as I am writing it turns out to be something completely different. In the latter case I might well change it. However today I've chosen "Getting focused" and the loose idea I have is to talk about something I actually already did talk about, (and really with the idea of trying to write most every day it is inevitable). I have now worked on the prototype for smelly memories and am putting it to the side because we are going to have a review of it before we do anything else. So that frees time up to work on my own projects again. And the question, and nuisance I feel tempted to call it, is what did I do last, where to continue, and how to get in the mindset again?

This is difficult and most times I feel that you might have to compromise your previous flow and just get down to it. So I know I were working on the hat thingie which I feel would have some interesting perspectives and a first way to tie it all together. I also am writing a pretty involved story, (i.e. takes more effort to get back into). The other things I've been doing is logotyping and designing and well I guess the place to restart now is the web-page (and ergo teh hat).

So that tells me where to start at least. I wont talk much more about it now as I rather get to it and not talk too much more right now as I don't have much to say, but that is where my focus will lay going forward for now. So I can soon introduce the website as well, I will do so when it is still super rough. But it's still a little ways before it is at a level where I can make use of it.

That's it for now. I do intend to make the next about producing crap content and the importance of it, fascinating subject and something of great importance in the process of producing epic content. So if I have produced enough garbage when I write next that might well be the topic but I might change my mind.

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