Sunday, January 10, 2016

Sunday evening

It's Sunday evening I am about to go to bed, but wanted to at least write something. I guess I outlined a couple of topics the other day talking about inkscape would typically be a bit too big in this forum as I am almost ready to get to bed so I'll put that one in the hat for now. I also said I wanted to talk about different forms of companies in Sweden and that's a huge topic which also takes some research I will put that in the hat as well.

So what does that leave? well let's see now I could try to talk a little about myself, no harm in knowing more about me if you are reading what I am writing, right? And it should be a pretty easy topic to talk about.

I am a programmer at heart and a developer, I am in a way an innovator and I always have ideas. I would like to use my creativity in games. I love writing and, hmmm, well creating I guess is the correct word. I have played guitar for many years and have basic skills in drawing. I love writing and as I already mentioned I am a programmer by profession. So lot's of creativity.

I am schooled and have my degree in computer science majoring in games, and I have started companies a couple of times. My first company was a game development studio which was called Colossai Studios AB, later the studio were part in creating pieces interactive. I have worked in many fields from medicine to games, from business to advertising and I believe I have an unusually broad background.

I worked with graphics programming (shaders and render-pipe), ragdoll, navmesh, ice and water, decal system and more on Magicka 2. I also worked on some smaller games and the never released game AIR based on the film by Skybound featuring Norman Reedus.

Today I am working full time and have decided to plan and create a new studio over time. I have unique ideas for it which I want to keep for myself for a little while longer but it's really interesting and breaking some new grounds in many ways. Both some of the game ideas and for the work environment as such.

I guess it's both a quite short presentation as well as mostly repetition for anyone already reading my posts. One of my goals is to update the blog every day and that means that I wont have new things always. But as I get things done there will be more and more to talk about.

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