Thursday, January 7, 2016


Today I won't write much because I am really tired.

I will just mention something that I seem to do every now and again which is tiresome especially when already tired. I use git for all my personal projects and it is my favorite version handling tool. I have used perforce and it falls (imo) just short of using the old "new, newer, even newer" approach :P I really don't agree with it. In Magicka 2 we used HG which I did like almost the same as git. And subversion is nice and we use it where I work today, it's just way to dated and unforgiving.

However Sometimes I do stuff, do
git add . 
followed by a
git commit -m ""
finishing up with
git push

I get home and do a
git pull

everything up to date, but that commit is missing. I guess it boils down to forgetting something but it\s annoying. I blame it all on stress :P Had hoped to get a little work in on the webpage but as I have too little time to re-implement I will get no work in this evening.

On a brighter note it's going well and soon the hat will be ready! and awesome and... magical! So soon I can show that of.

That's all for today.

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