Friday, January 8, 2016

In the making

So this is a super important post for me, and I hope I can get it right. I mean to actually shed some light on the topics I am trying to discuss here! Very important and also in many ways difficult.

However I want to first of all wrap that git thought from yesterday, turned out that I had not merged and committed my local branch! (embarrassing but it happens). So basically I tend to work in a pretty structured way even when just fiddling around. And I most commonly work with tasks by identifying them, branching for them, implementing them and once done I will merge the new changes and be on to the next "task". It is a super simple way to keep focused to put it simple. I could really elaborate on this topic but the idea is that I should not.

So back to the topic of what is it that I have got in the making?
Basically I have a quite grand vision to implement a game-studio, It is a dream to do this "my way", and even if it at times seems so far away and at times even completely unrealistic I have decided to make this effort. So I am still figuring stuff out, but working on it, thinking of it and dreaming of it, it all makes me super happy. And that right there is my driving force to keep this dream alive and keep reaching for it more actively than I previously have.

The balance is all about being realistic while being completely and utterly unrealistic. I mean I know lot's of limitations and difficulties making the whole vision kind of unrealistic but at the same time I think that the way to reach it is to plan for it. To chase after a dream as big as this you kind of need to stop feeling embarrassed to want it, not letting your own critic hinder you and I guess that it also boils down to accepting that you are completely (or at least somewhat) insane helps. I think that being realistic isn't really a counterpart for being visionary, and in the end without a vision I am pretty much sure the journey would already have ended.

To start with I have already got some pretty well defined ideas about work environment which has grown into a huge topic on it's own. I have already implemented parts of the website, made some efforts toward a logo and I have a pretty thorough start on the design for what I would like to be the first game produced.

I believe that all of this is completely possible and that the underlying ideas caries huge potential, not only to make unique fun games in a way I think that gamers will enjoy them, but also the bigger picture of the corporate environment and the way I want to involve and engage people which has an interest in development and games.

I will not go in depth on the specifics purely because I am not there yet. I have ideas but I will present them all as they are becoming more refined and I know that it is actually what I want to do with the idea.

What I do know is that I want to make a game studio which is a place where the workforce love to be, I want to find creative ways of involving everyone and put trust into that and offer something quite unique. I also know that I want to bring the consumer up close to the development, and I actually mean really close not just being active on twitter or some forum, answering questions. I also want to create amazing experiences in virtual worlds as well as the once I want to offer in teh real one.

At the moment I'm putting most work into the website as I believe it to be a good start and it keeps me motivated at the moment. I am also working on a business-plan which is a quite big task. Other than that I am doing research in different arias such as company form (well it's obvious which form it should be in Swedish society but there are always layers, like when should I actually consider registering, how far in planning should I be and so forth). I am also working on game design and story writing for a project and it all keeps me quite busy. I can't spend as much time as I would like right now but my goal is to be able to do so in the future.

Hopefully I am giving you a taste of the vision even though it's still far away and I try to at least touch some of the subjects even though I am not yet comfortable to go into details about them. If you have questions please comment. If you do feel with me and want to contribute please share the things I am doing, follow me at twitter @qrikko, and perhaps also the @teh_tweeter account. If nothing else that keeps me motivated.

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